
Gimė 1987 metais. 2010 baigė vaizduojamo meno bakalauro studijas Meno koledže Nju Delyje, Indijoje. 2012 įgijo skulptūros magistro laipsnį Valstybiniame meno ir amatų koledže Kalkutoje, Indijoje. Parodose ir simpoziumuose dalyvauja nuo 2008 metų. Šiuo metu privačioje keramikos studijoje „The Art Room“ veda keramikos pamokas ir keramikos dirbtuves, yra laisvai samdoma keramikos edukatorė bei dirba bendruomenės studijoje. Panevėžio simpoziume dalyvavo 2019 metais.




Born in 1987. In 2010 she completed Bachelor studies in Fine Arts in College of Art in New Delhi, India. In 2012 she obtained a Master’s degree in Sculpture at the Government College of Art and Craft in Calcutta, India. She has been participating in exhibitions and symposiums since 2008. At the moment, ceramic art and ceramics workshops are run in a private ceramic studio “The Art Room”. She is also a freelance educator and works in a community studio. She was a participant of the Panevėžys symposium in 2019.

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