
Gimė 1946 metais. 1973 baigė Kioto meno universitetą Japonijoje (meno magistras). Nuo 1974 nuolat dalyvauja parodose Japonijoje, Australijoje, JAV, Italijoje (prizas tarptautiniame keramikos konkurse Faencoje, Italija, 1982, 1-oji Fletcher Challenge parodos premija Oklende, Naujoji Zelandija, 1994), surengė daug personalinių parodų. Kūrė, skaitė paskaitas JAV, Prancūzijoje, Anglijoje, Ispanijoje, Naujojoje Zelandijoje, Japonijoje. Tarptautinės keramikų akademijos narys (1980). Dėsto Sidnėjaus universiteto meno koledže. Panevėžio simpoziume dalyvavo 1995 metais.




Born in 1946, Mitsuo graduated from the Kyoto City University of Fine Arts, Japan (MFA, 1973). The artist has participated in numerous exhibitions (mainly in Japan, Australia, and the USA) and has also had a number of solo exhibitions since 1974. He was awarded a Purchasing Award at the International Competition of Ceramic Art in Faenza, Italy, in 1982 and the Premier Award at the Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Exhibition, Auckland, New Zealand, in 1994. Mitsuo has given lectures and workshops in the USA, France, England, Spain, New Zealand, and Japan. He has been a member of the International Academy of Ceramics since 1980. Mitsuo is a lecturer at Sydney College of Arts, University of Sydney.
He was a participant of the symposium in 1995.

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